Monday, April 28, 2008


Rosa Parks and my mom, Michelle Bryant are people in my life that were inspirational to me and my day to day life. I feel that these two ladies both will help me to be who I want to be. My mom was a single parent who took care of two kids by herself working as a teacher. She has taught me to strive to be the best I can be out in the world. Rosa Parks has shown me that if you are tired of being mistreated because of the color of your skin, take a stand and do what you know is right. Both of these women taught me that whatever you put your mind to it you will do it.

Rosa Parks was born in Tuskegee, Alabama on February 4, 1913 and died on December 24, 2005. She had a happily married mom and dad. She helped start the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Standing side by side with Martin Luther King Jr. for Civil Rights and free seating on the bus, she said "Our mistreatment was just not right and I was tired of it". It was December 1,1955 when she took a stand for the right to free seating on the bus. It all happened when she sat on the bus in the front seat and a white lady told her to move and she said no and and she got arrested. She did lots of work with the NAACP for work on Civil Rights to help African Americans. Rosa Parks teaches us, "Each person must live their life as a model for others". And I think that statement has a powerful effect on anybody from any race Black, White, Mexican or Asian.

My mom Michelle Bryant, was born December 21,1962 in California. She moved to Florida to further her career as a teacher. Then, She came to be with he mom through the loss of her dad and from then on she's been in San Diego. As a teacher, she helps young in school to get a good education to help them succeed. One thing she did to stand up for what she believed in was that ever child should have a chance to learn. She once said to me, "what ever you do, you must do it to the best of your abilities. She went from second grade to fourth grade to fifth grade as teacher. One thing she says constantly to her kids is to treat others as you want to be treated.

These two ladies have help me in my legacy because they have shown me nothing could ever keep you down if you don't let it. They are both smart African American women helping the nation in their own way. My mom is educating kids in school and Rosa Parks was doing it in the courts and with speeches. They also have shown me that hard work and applying yourself to what you will help me to be successful in today's life. I have learned that the color of your skin has an effect in the way today's people treat you.